
Beating Roundup with herbs

April 2014

Few studies, if any, have looked at the possibility of preventing or detoxifying harmful environmental pollutants before they can cause harm.

Several plants are well-known for their preventive or curative action, but their efficacy against one of our most recently identified, ubiquitous, environmental and bodily pollutants [1] has only recently been considered.

A French team of scientists tested what happened when cells in culture were exposed to Roundup formula* at the same time as a variety of plant extracts.

(*glyphosate herbicide plus agents to aid cell penetration and killing efficiency)

The cells tested were human embryonic kidney cells which are known to be a sensitive model for studying intoxification/detoxification responses, and human liver cells known to provide a good model for our major organ of detoxification.

The plant extracts tested were ones known, for example, to protect the liver, to protect against mutation and oxidative stress, or to have anti-inflammatory, anti-tumour or anti-biotic properties.

It was found that some of the plant extracts administered before exposure to the herbicide did indeed have preventative effects on Roundup damage, especially in combination. 

Slight curative effects in cells exposed to Roundup prior to the administration of plant extracts were seen with only two of the test materials. The authors suggested that this could be because the damage caused by the herbicidal formula is amplified over time.


The concept that Roundup not only harms cells, but that the damage may be progressive over time is a new and very worrying one.

No doubt the next generation of Roundup Ready plants will have added plant genes for preventing the harmful effects of the herbicide.

A varied, fresh organic diet which avoids the problem to start with and which will give your body all sorts of useful plant extracts to keep itself healthy is probably a simpler solution.




CĂ©line Gasnier, et al., 2011, Defined plant extracts can protect human cells against combined xenobiotic effects, Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology 6:3

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